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A monument to Marshal of the Soviet Union Georgy Zhukov. (May 11, 2012 by John)

Sunday, July 3, 2011

When it snows, you have two choices: Shovel or make Snow Angels

Falling during the winter isn’t the biggest problem in Ukraine so nobody is really concerned about it. In any case, Ukrainians do not blame their government for not cleaning the sidewalks. They just blame themselves for not seeing danger or perhaps the ice for being slyly hidden under the soft snow cover. Instead of shoveling, workers usually sand them to prevent you from sliding.  So if you fall in spite of everything you will not only be injured but also dirty.
There is no sense in shoveling after the first snowfall. Once this happens, it will soon snow again and screw up all the work! So it’s better to wait until spring. Joking apart, it’s normal for some places to be cleaned regularly, others maybe once in a century. Who in fact makes this decision is mainly beyond explanation. Some private organizations clean their territory and entrances but others do not seem to care about their workers and clients. I guess the problem is that it’s not required and companies (especially state ones) are reluctant to hire people to do this job in winter because they do not want to spend extra money on their salary and shovels.
Absence of insurance isn’t a big deal in Ukraine (as opposite to passports) and very few people I know have it. On the other hand, doctors in private clinics will see you if you’re able to explain in Russian what’s wrong with you. State clinics usually require you to visit them based on your permanent residence (which is written in passport) or they can accept you as a walk-in if you bring enough cash. Anyway, I’ve never seen a foreigner trying to get medical service in state clinics, except possibly for foreign students who have no choice and have to pass their yearly checkups at government locations.
However, the condition of medicine at Ukrainian state organizations leaves much to be desired, so it’s better not to become sick. You should walk gingerly and make snow angels or maybe it is better to believe that you have a guardian angel that will save you.

Posted by Helen

1 comment:

  1. John really sucks at updating his blog... Hope you had a blast in St Peterburg, and that you all are alive and well!


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